Seducing My Stupid Brother

Seducing My Stupid Brother – This story happened 10 years ago. My brother was working in Ahmedabad, and he stayed with an aunt on a pay basis. My aunt’s daughter is the only one who lives in Canada.

My brother has a homey place to stay, and he can eat well while he is working in Ahmedabad. It also gives his aunt company, since her daughter is so far away.

After I completed junior college, i moved to Ahmedabad for senior college. My hometown had no higher education institutions. My aunt had a large house. She generously invited my brother and I to stay in her house.

My aunt’s maid cooks and cleans for us. This arrangement is convenient and allows us to concentrate on our studies. Our living conditions are comfortable.

In a matter of months, we became closer. We developed a closer bond. On my brother’s computer, we would watch movies or TV shows. We shared the same bed, and would hug each other occasionally.

We felt comfortable changing clothes in front of each other (except for inners). We developed a close relationship, and our trust increased. I caught glimpses of his morning hardness on occasion. Our living arrangement made it impossible to avoid, but not entirely unintentional.

This became a part of our unspoken agreement, and a natural result of sharing the same area. We chose to accept the situation with maturity and humour, rather than let it cause discomfort.

I borrowed his laptop when he wasn’t home. The internet and online streaming services weren’t affordable back then. I then searched for movies to download onto his laptop. One day, as I was searching for movies, a folder of porn clips and movies popped up.

I was only 19 and could not resist watching. Out of curiosity, I clicked one of the videos. I began watching them in secret. The videos attracted me more and more. I started checking them frequently to check my pussy. I had no choice but to watch porn.

The battery died suddenly while I was watching a video on the laptop of my brother. I was on the verge of a climax despite the interruption. Instead of changing my laptop, I continued to fling myself. My desires were quickly satisfied within minutes.

My brother used the laptop again at night. He found that the porn video was still playing. Both of us ignored the incident, and pretended that it never happened. Both of us felt embarrassed and awkward.

We both knew that we watched porn at different times from the same folder. We had an unspoken agreement. We never talked about it. We never discussed it openly.

I began to tease my brother and drop subtle hints. I wanted to satisfy my newly discovered desire for sexual intimacy. I stopped wearing bras and started wearing loose tops to show off my cleavage. It was a way to tease my brother, and increase the sexual tension we had between us.

My brother and I did not act on our sexual desires despite the increasing tension. We both loved the subtle hints, and we enjoyed sharing secrets.

I was able to wake up at night. My brother’s blanket vibrated. As I realized that he was probably enjoying himself, my heart began to race. I felt a deep desire and a deep longing for him. I wanted to touch him. But I knew if I touched him, it would all be in the open.

I shifted my position, moving closer to him and pretending to sleep. I adjusted my shirt to make sure my cleavage could be seen by him. Hopefully, this would help him be able enjoy himself. He paused for a second to see if I was sleeping.

In that short pause, excitement and anticipation swept over me. As I waited to see if he’d take the bold step of touching my breasts, my heart was racing. He hesitated a second before touching my breast. I felt a rush of pleasure. His touch was sensual and gentle. I felt myself being aroused.

He finally stopped and I wanted more. I decided, after a few days of shopping at the mall, to continue to tease my friend. I asked him casually if he would help me choose some lingerie. I pretended I needed his advice. I was shivering at the thought of us in a lingerie shop together.

I went into the changing room and selected some revealing and bold nightwear. While I was trying on each item, I kept thinking about how my brother would react if he saw me wearing them. After trying on a few of the pieces, I decided to buy them.

It was exciting to wear them around my brother. I was eager to see what he would say when he saw me wearing them.

After reaching home, he said, “Hey! Do you want to know what I bought today?” I wore each piece nervously, one at a time. Every time I put on a new outfit, I saw the excitement in his eyes.

He was impressed by the way my lingerie highlighted my curves. While pretending to be asleep, wearing seductive nightwear. I knew that he would seize the chance to enjoy himself while I slept. I strategically positioned my body to offer a tempting perspective.

I pretended to sleep, but my body was tingling with excitement. I felt him move closer. I felt myself getting wet as he touched me. The forbidden pleasure in the situation increased my desire. I eagerly anticipated his next move in hopes of a more intimate encounter.

I could no longer hold in my moans. I let out a soft whine. He was frozen in shock. He realized I was awake all the time. I stared into his eyes, uncertain of what was going to happen.

I said, with a mischievous grin, “You’re right, I was awake the whole time.” “I must admit, I have enjoyed every minute of it.”

He responded confidently: “I know it. You teased me before, and I could tell you were enjoying it just as much as I was. I can’t stand you any longer. It’s better to explore our sexual desires through intimate moments, foreplay, and other forms of intimacy than full-on sex.”

The temptation was too strong. I could not resist. I leaned closer and pressed my body against him. I whispered “I want something more than foreplay.” “I want you inside of me.” I felt the intensity and guided his hand under my nightdress to encourage him to explore more.

He touched my breasts and kissed me. I could feel his eagerness to fulfill my desires. As I felt the burning desire in my little pussy’s thigh, I could not wait any longer. I gently guided his hands down, encouraging him to touch my body in the most intimate manner possible.

Once he was wet, he asked, “Are you sure?” I closed my eyelids, pushed his arm and whispered “Yes, I am sure.” I want to be yours. As his hesitation faded, he slowly inserted one finger and soaked up the pleasure.

I groaned “Ah, Bro!” Come on, stop now,” I said, excitedly, “I have been waiting for this for so long.” Feeling the finger in me, I sensed his growing desire. I smiled mischievously and whispered “How about I help you with that?”

I was hinting to his erection. I stroked the muscular length of his dick in rhythm with his finger. It was a good size and shape with a large dickhead, and the skin was smooth all the way to his bottom. I stroked him to the beat of his finger.

His moans filled the room and fueled our desire for each other. After a few moments, he could no longer contain his excitement. He poured the hot, white liquid in my hand with a low grunt. He said in a breathless tone, “That was amazing.” He had lost all of his energy.

He kissed goodnight and removed his finger. I was left feeling aroused, and he promptly fell asleep. Unsatisfied and frustrated, I embraced him tightly, showing my desire. I fingered myself, slipping my hand between my legs to get the release I wanted.

I finally drifted to sleep. I was still wishing for more pleasure. Early in the morning, his hands were gently caressing and teasing me nipples. The desire that had been lingering the night before was reignited.

He said, “Good Morning, Beautiful” as I awoke. I couldn’t help but wake you up this way. I hope you’re up for round two.” With a mischievous grin, I replied, “Sure brother, but please don’t indulge yourself in sexual intercourse.” Then he wrapped his arms behind me.

I felt his morning wood pressing against my arse. He pulled me close and whispered “I can’t waiting to feel you again.” He applied some saliva to his fingertips after guiding his finger into my pants. My pussy wasn’t very wet. He put his fingers into my pussy when he was fingering it.

I felt waves of pleasure wash over me when he touched the most sensitive part. I was in ecstasy and urged him to keep exploring my body, gratifying my desires. As I felt his fingers explore my virgin depths waves of pleasure surged throughout my body.

Each gentle touch stimulated the most sensitive parts of my body. He ignited a passion in me that I’d never felt before. My ecstatic moans grew louder. I gave in to the overwhelming pleasure and finally experienced my first orgasm under his skilled fingers.

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